Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Six gifts on my birthday,
not knick knacks and baubles, 
those things that break,
get lost or stolen, rather gifts
of such tremendous value,
no price can be placed, nor
money spent. Six gifts, six
legacies of love, freely given,
not earned by any merit of
mine, gift beyond all gifts,
grace beyond all grace,
the abundance of God present
and placed in my life today.

The Gift Of Ruth

“What do I want to be when I grow up?”
A question on my lips from the time
I was small. Famous baseball
players and mountain men,
explorers and soldiers, composers
and artists who ushered into
the world revolutionary change.
But their myths, dressed up
reality, prove that our heroes
are fickle, changing on a whim,
disappointment abounds and
character flaws tend to jettison
them out of consciousness,
used up symbols of who we
might want to be if not life
was different, that is with
one great exception, you.

Never failing to inspire, you
embody ideals held so dearly
by me, whatever disappointment
I have ever voiced has been that
disappointment found only in
me. I stand in your shadow
in awe that you not only
want to be seen with me, but
that you love me as you have
loved no other. Long have I sat
by your feet, your student,
learning, and watching, and
dreaming of the day in which
I might love as you love, a
day that may never come,
but a lifetime well lived and
spent in the joyful task of trying.

The Gift Of Andy

Well I remember your birth,
unwrapped from your mother’s
womb, behind the doctor I stand
stunned, silent, scared. Witnessing
your birth, my first intimate
awareness, and encounter with
the presence of  God, an
invasion of the sacred filling
that sterilized space as profound
as when Moses approached the
sacred fire of the burning bush.
I stand stunned by the sacred,
struck silent in awe of creation,
and scared, deathly afraid at my
inadequateness and unpreparedness
to be your father, you dad.
Never taken for granted are those
great gifts given to us in life, and
never taken for granted are you.
Though long working days, nights,
weeks pull me from you, first and
foremost are you in my mind and
my heart. Very little changes over
sixty-three years of life. Still, to
this day when I see you, I remain,
stunned, silent, and scared at
how greatly God blessed me
the moment you were born.

The Gift Of Luke

The wonder in your eyes the moment
you saw your mom and touched her
face, wonder spreading into your
signature smile as you danced
round and round the dance floor
with her at your Uncle Paul’s wedding.
Wonder is what I remember
looking out the window over
a sink full of soapy water and
dirty dishes as you zoomed by
on your bicycle in front of our
house over the grass, weeds
and broken masonry that was
our sidewalk. Poor eyesight
never an obstacle to that
you wanted to pursue, whether
it be baseball, learning to
drive, playing guitar, education,
tenaciously, carefully climbing
over barriers in the way,
using courage, fortitude
and love as your means of
navigating through life.
Placed into my own crucible,
I drank deeply from your well
of courage, fortitude and love
to get me through my own
troubles, remembering the
wonder in your eyes and
the smile upon your face as
you touched your mother’s
face and danced.

The Gift Of Meg

We sat, you on my lap,
as Dumbo’s mother sang
“Baby Mine Don’t You Cry”
to her forlorn little elephant
waif, your chest heaving as
you sobbed into my shoulder
drawing tears to my eyes,
moved by your great compassion
and care. At the age of three,
your memory for melody,
a trained musician’s ear,
capturing note for note and
pitch for pitch the intricate
melody of “The Imperial March”.
‘Twas true you were conceived
shortly following the viewing of
“The Empire Strikes Back”, I
wondering if that melody was
somehow imprinted in your
DNA at conception or at birth.
Or, is it the DNA made present
by some long, lost ancestor
giving you this uncanny ability
to play back what you hear with
unerring accuracy. I see at times
myself in you, a vision of what
I might have been had I been
born with two X chromosomes.
That cynical twist to your humor,
ascertaining with acute accuracy
life’s intersection with others.
Yet, within you dwells much
of your mom, not just in your
beauty and demeanor, but
an underlying love and directness,
the overall care and compassion
for those most vulnerable. Time
has long passed since last you
sat on my lap and watched
Dumbo’s mother sing to her
little baby, but oh how I
have enjoyed my life with
you, my “Baby mine.”

The Gift Of Beth

At birth, you greeted life with
song, singing your life
into existence. “Mommy good
girl” and “Somewhere Out
There” some of your greatest
hits as a child. From the
stage in the backseat of the
car, to the stage in the high
school auditorium, to the
smoke-filled Karaoke bar
you have sung your entire
life. You readiness to blacken
an eye and bloody a lip to
right an injustice, an inheritance
from your Aunt Mary, I dare
say. Fiercely independent,
knowing your limits, and
service to others your creed
in life. Well I remember,
your keeping me company
during my long illness, the
theme song of “How I Met
Your Mother” evoking a
fond memory during a very
hard time in my life. You
once asked whether our love
for you was merited on the
basis of having to whistle.
Hardly, for what power can
the ability to whistle have
when you have been loved
from the moment you
came singing from your
 mother’s womb?

The Gift Of Olivia

Welcoming, oh, how the love
of two people welcome
into their lives the love of a
child. Daughters and Sons,
some born into this love,
and others adopted. Ah,
but you are more special,
you became my daughter,
the avenue of your entrance
into the heart of my family
through the love of my son,
nuptials blessed, his dream
fulfilled, and I? I am gifted with
another daughter to love.
Extraordinary from the start,
passing into the hearts first
of my parents, double dating
no less, long football Sundays
trapped on the leather couch,
running the familial gauntlet
of Andy’s maternal relatives,
all with such ease and grace.
Long an artist before formally
acknowledged, your gift of
composition, light and color
captures images long lasting.
The gift of your self equally
capturing my heart, a heart
that welcomes you and
cherishes you, my daughter,
as mine own. 

Six gifts on my birthday,
not knick knacks and baubles, 
those things that break,
get lost or stolen, rather gifts
of such tremendous value,
no price can be placed, nor
money spent. Six gifts, six
legacies of love, freely given,
not earned by any merit of
mine, gift beyond all gifts,
grace beyond all grace,
the abundance of God present
and placed in my life today.

© 2015. The Book Of Ruth, Deacon Bob Wagner OFS. All rights reserved.

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