Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bulletin article for the Feast of the Epiphany

To have an “epiphany” is to experience a sudden or striking realization or understanding. The term is often used in describing breakthroughs in religious, philosophic and scientific thought. A person is “enlightened” by a deeper understanding of a particular problem or situation, and follows a long process of thinking or searching. On this Solemnity of the Epiphany, we hear of the Magi who had been searching a life time for the anointed one of God. They are enlightened by the Star that leads them to the stable in Bethlehem and then find the fulfillment of all their hopes and their dreams. As I get older, I find a deeper understanding of events, both good and bad, that have occurred in my life. This has led me to sort out that which is important from that which is unimportant. Personal choices become much clearer and easier. These epiphanies with a small “e” may not be the great Epiphany that the Magi experienced but, at times, have almost the same wallop. For instance, I am far greater aware of the presence of God in the people around me. Listen to the music sung by the choirs throughout this Christmas season, is not God present in the combination of notes, pitches, harmonies, and text? I am much more sensitive to the presence of God in all those who assist me in my ministry, and in those to whom I minister. I look at the work done by those in keeping our church buildings neat, sidewalks free from ice and snow, the beautiful decorations of this liturgical season, those assisting in the various liturgical ministries and see the imprint of our loving God. I find God’s presence in the notes and the cards that are sent at this time of year. I especially am aware of God’s greatest epiphany to me in my bride, Ruthie, in our children, in our grandchildren and our extended family. And, I have become all the more aware of those perfect moments in the present when things seem to be so at peace. Hemingway used to refer to these moments as “well lit places,” when everything seems right in the world, if only for a moment. While not significant alone, combined they produce a wonderful and marvelous Epiphany. In this new year, may we all become more sensitive to the presence of God around us in the small epiphanies that God provides for us everyday .

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