Friday, May 29, 2015

Two Poems Commemorating Our First Date Forty-six Years Ago


Pouring down rain drenching the night
as I climb the steps to your  home.
With one knock, light from within
greets me,
and there you stand,
the scent of herbal essence from your hair,
your brown eyes looking deep into my soul.
You bid farewell to your Aunt and Uncle,
open the screen door
and step outdoors.
The drenching rain suddenly
frozen in time
as your hand touches mine
and you laugh,
aware of the secret
I have hidden deep within.
© 2011. The Book Of Ruth,  by Deacon Bob Wagner OFS. All rights reserved.

Forty-six years have past
since first I climbed the steps
of your Aunt and Uncle’s
back porch on Marion Street.
With the sounds of Rice Street,
the rain pelting down in large
drops on the roof of the porch,
I stood and boldly knocked
at the door, my heart beating
loudly, my senses so alive,
so acute, it was as if I could
feel the vibrations of each
rain drop hitting the cement
pavement of the sidewalk
running alongside the house.

You opened the door,
your body silhouetted, backlit
from the light of your Aunt’s
kitchen, the scent of the
Herbal Essence from your
hair filling the air around
you. I breathed it in deeply
not just once, but two, three
deep intoxicating breaths, my
sense of smell drinking in
deeply this invisible aura
around you. The first of
many nights we would have
together on this porch,
each as exciting as this
first, each occasion as
memorable as this one.

Though the young legs
of the seventeen year old
who once bounded up
those steps have weakened,
my senses remain as alive,
my anticipation remains.
as great, my heart beating
in excitement as I behold
you, as beautiful, radiant
and as mysterious as ever.
Your wondrous brown eyes
still gaze into my soul,
seeing and revealing all
my hidden feelings and
desires. Your laugh, the
music of my soul, which
lightens even the densest
of gloom from any room,
your smile, instilling joy
in all who gaze upon you
have not changed, no,
rather, you continue to
evolve into something
far more wondrous
than that rainy May 29th
night in 1969, embellishing
and enhancing the world.

One change only, so
very insignificant, the
Oil of Olay body wash
with which you bathed,
its scent rising from the
surface of your beautiful
skin, deliciously bathes
the air, a halo of scented
delight that whirls and
swirls around you.
Your hands in mine, you
lean in, your lips touch
mine in a kiss, the tip of
your tongue gently, briefly
parts my lips, a reminder
that the night has more
delights in store of us,
the future as exciting
and as intoxicating as
it was for us, that night
forty-six years ago.
© 2915, The Book Of Ruth, by Deacon Bob Wagner OFS. All rights reserved.

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