Friday, May 22, 2015

Two Poems For Memorial Day 2015

Two Poems for Memorial Day 2015

Humanity, God’s vast
three dimensional
jigsaw puzzle, its
pieces laid out
neatly like corn rows,
some scattered about
in ocean depths,
others borne aloft
on the wind,
particles of human
DNA intermixing with
that of creation.

You and I have been
present at the departure
of human life at
churches and nursing
homes, hospitals,
emergency rooms,
people going forth,
their piece of the
puzzle laid to rest,
forever connected
with that of
their ancestors.

Our individual pieces,
interlocked physically,
emotionally, and spiritually
from the first moment
we made love, will
one day, too, be joined
to the wholeness of
human life, a part
of the great puzzle
of humanity that
stretches eternally
across all dimensions.

Long have I thought
of life like a dance.
Odd, is it not, that
someone like I,
barely able to place
 one foot in front
of the other, would
use such a metaphor?

Many have we known
who danced with us
to the music of Life’s
fiddle. Some danced
with excitement and flair,
like fireworks on the
fourth of July, brilliant
exploding colors of
light only to be
be quickly extinguished
from our sight.

Others have danced
long and slow,
like horses plodding
along, faithfully pulling
a plow behind them.
 And, there are those
who danced erratically,
dance steps of a
cantankerous sort,
possessing qualities
of beauty, irritation,
intelligence, stupidity,
quality and pity.

Finally the steps of the
damned, whose steps
are like knives stabbing
and slashing at the
other dancers around
them. Some of these,
short dances quickly
ending in violence, and
others cut interminably
long sweeping swaths
across the dance floor,
scattering dancers
wherever they dance.

We began our dance
on Marion Street,
the awkward steps
of a teen’s first
sock hop, outside
the house of your
Aunt and Uncle.
Were we to objectively
observe our dance
from afar, what
kind of dance
would it be?
© 2015, Deacon Bob Wagner OFS. All rights reserved.

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